The unsung heroes

The unsung hero’s of today’s agriculture system are the ones that say NO!

No to letting the genetic diversity of our farm animals disappear.

No hybrid seeds that make farmers dependent on big business companies at the same time as we lose our history.

No to poisoning the world around us in an attempt to be the master over life and death.

It’s nog governments or big corporations that save our world it’s one farmers at the time waking up every morning and doing what is right not what is easy.

Support your local farmers stand up for what is right











#bohemianrhapsody goat Freddy




Absolute beauty

Finally we get to harvest the Oca or New Zealand yams. Planted at the same time as our potatoes they need a long time to mature but in all honestly we have been harvesting leafs and shouts all summer for our salad mix. It truly is a dual purpose plant with delicious leafs and crispy roots. If you like to try this beutiful tubers we will offer a starter kit with several different varieties and colors on REKO Malmö next week and onwards as long as we have anything left














Next level garden

After getting mother stock of rhubarb from @klintatradgard a few years back we are now splitting the plants to make more plants, a big and very suitable variety that let you crop crisp tender leafs all season long in to autumn. 80 new plants in the first wave and more too be made when we finish harvesting from the adjacent beds. Our intern Iman from @kalo_okologisk_landbrugsskole and Caroline @holmafolkhogskola this after they finished the mammoth task of planting 18 k of garlic cloves










Säfstaholmskål from seed to seed

The most important crop of the year is finally in place

You may remember our greenhouse design from this spring, now after a season of tomatoes. After the frost we moved the greenhouse to a more prominent position in the garden and now our Säfstaholmskål is in place. Out of hundreds of plants we selected the best too go to my friend Matti to be used for growing seeds next summer. We also selected 42 plants that we are going to grow seeds on here at the farm. To protect them from the winter cold we put the greenhouse on top of them. In spring when the plants start to grow we lift the greenhouse off after they have proved shelter for our most important crop. Growing seeds isn’t just fun it’s also crucial for preserving our heritage varieties of vegetables










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